About Me

I'm a full-time working mom of 3 in the IT industry, with a great husband. When not spending time with the family, I like to spend my time in the kitchen. I like to cook. I love to eat. I adore entertaining people. I prefer not to go by any particular recipe, but experiment on my own. I'm not professionally trained in any way and I don't claim to be correct on anything I might post. Meals are often tossed together at the last minute. Sometimes I think about them during the day, sometimes I browse my cook book library and compare ingredients of great chefs before me. Sometimes I scour the internet, and sometimes they are literally pulled from the freezer and tossed into a pan.

I also used to dabble in cake decorating. {shameless plug: Cakes By Jenn Facebook}

These are those stories. I play with my food.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Where oh Where....

Where oh where have I been?  Life gets busy.  Holidays take a toll.  Putting a new floor on the house, busy schedules going here and there and everywhere, and frankly, I just haven't been cooking much, and what I have been cooking has been old staples.  Most exciting thing I've made recently was shepard's pie. But, did not take pictures.

Hoping the new year brings new inspiration to cook again.  Until then, hang in there.