About Me

I'm a full-time working mom of 3 in the IT industry, with a great husband. When not spending time with the family, I like to spend my time in the kitchen. I like to cook. I love to eat. I adore entertaining people. I prefer not to go by any particular recipe, but experiment on my own. I'm not professionally trained in any way and I don't claim to be correct on anything I might post. Meals are often tossed together at the last minute. Sometimes I think about them during the day, sometimes I browse my cook book library and compare ingredients of great chefs before me. Sometimes I scour the internet, and sometimes they are literally pulled from the freezer and tossed into a pan.

I also used to dabble in cake decorating. {shameless plug: Cakes By Jenn Facebook}

These are those stories. I play with my food.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Gettin' Saucy

Lasagna night!  But not for me yet to consume.  Cooking to help cater a party tomorrow.  Mmmm love me some red sauce!

Biggest lasagna, ever.
3lbs mozzarella 
2 batches sauce
64oz ricotta, seriously could eat this stuff with a spoon 
Parmesan cheese
2 boxes noodles

Choose a pattern and layer it all the way to the top.  Love.